Digital marketing is marketing that is done online, as opposed to traditional marketing, which uses offline methods such as TV/radio commercials and printed ads. If you’re the proprietor of a small business, then you likely already know how effective digital marketing can be when you’re advertising to consumers. You’ll be pleased to hear that these same strategies will work to attract qualified job-seekers. Here’s a look at how some common digital marketing strategies can help attract job-seekers.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has become increasingly popular when it comes to marketing toward consumers, and you can use a similar method when it comes to marketing toward job-seekers. The affiliates associated with this type of marketing are also known as influencers or brand ambassadors, and these are people who regularly use your products or services, and receive a commission when they refer other consumers to purchase from you, via their affiliate link.

When it comes to attracting job-seekers, your affiliates/influencers/brand ambassadors will be your employees. Job-seekers tend to trust employees over employers, and no one knows what it’s like to work for you better than your employees. Consider an employee referral program, where you reward your current employees for bringing in new employees.

Branded Content

You can also create videos and photos of everyday work life (featuring your employees) to share on your website. Other types of branded content you can create to bring in job-seekers include:

  • White papers
  • Webinars
  • Newsletters
  • eBooks
  • Blogs

Not only should your content focus on your work culture and what future candidates for employment can expect during a typical workday, but it should also highlight your company’s expertise in your industry because job-seekers want to work for a company they believe in.

Email Marketing

When using email marketing with consumers, you’re sending quality content to get them interested in making a purchase, but what if you could send them quality content to get them interested in working for you? Depending on the type of business you have (i.e., eCommerce, brick-and-mortar) and the type of industry you work in, some of your consumers may be a great fit for your company. This would be a step up from an affiliate program— instead of offering commission or another incentive on customer referrals, let your loyal customers know via email that you’re hiring. Just keep in mind that not all of your customers may have the qualifications for some of your job openings, but it’s worth the try.

Nowadays business are using CRM software for better management. Customer experience is the main factor in keeping clients with the ultimate goal of increasing customer experience in mind.

Search Engine Optimization

Also known as SEO marketing, search engine optimization uses keywords and phrases on your website to help it rank greater on search engines like Google and Bing. This is important because most people don’t scroll down to the end of the page of results, and even fewer people will look past the first page. SEO marketing helps bring consumers to your website, and these same techniques can be applied to bringing in qualified candidates for hire.

As with consumer marketing, you’re going to need a business website for this to be effective. Next, you’re going to need to add a career site to your page, and this is where job-seekers will be directed to find out more about your open positions, and how to apply. SEO marketing strategies combined with recruitment advertising strategies will help bring qualified candidates to you so that you won’t have to exhaust traditional employee-search methods.

Social Media Marketing

Almost three billion people use social media every day, making it a great place to advertise to consumers— and job-seekers. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are great places to share various forms of content. You’re able to share virtually every type of content on Facebook, photos and short videos are more suitable for Instagram, and longer videos are perfect for YouTube. Business tools provided by these platforms allow you to focus on a specific audience, and you can direct them back to your website.

As you can see, having an online occurrence is crucial when it comes to digital marketing toward both consumers and job seekers. If you haven’t already, create a business website and business profiles on social media to take advantage of all of these methods.

As with marketing toward consumers, you’re going to have to do some research to find out some basic things about the candidates you want to hire for employment. You’ll need to identify your ideal candidate and what qualifications and even personality type(s) they may have. Once you’ve done your research, you can determine the best digital marketing method(s) to use to attract the most qualified job-seekers for your business.


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