Brand Digitization: A new digital environment surrounds and propels companies towards a future full of problems and fresh and relevant possibilities. As a result, brand digitalization must be at the heart of any strategy.

According to the European report The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020, there are 42 million active internet users today – nearly two million more than last year –, 51 percent of the population has increased their frequency of purchase,

These findings point to that companies must adapt to new ways of accessing, purchasing, consuming, transferring, recommending, and fostering loyalty. But that’s not all. They must also adapt to everyday activities for all customers, such as connection and permanent location, ubiquity, new channels and the permanent visibility and presence they provide, ongoing contact and communication with the public, and the need to answer quickly. And there are instant questions and issues.

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What Should Brands Do In The Face Of Digitization?

Most digital organizations and brands in each category are 26 percent more lucrative than the industry average, producing 9 percent more revenue and boosting value by up to 12 percent.

However, providing a reaction to digitization that ensures the brand’s success represents a more complex management challenge: activation of new regions or channels, more exposure and hazards, the need for more outstanding knowledge and intelligence, and increased duty and accountability.

The Omnichannel Difficulty in Brand Digitization

The Omnichannel Difficulty in Brand Digitization

The upward trend is inevitable. According to Victor Mirabet, digital development. Its consequences, and the new shopper force companies to confront the omnichannel dilemma.

Companies must plan to be where their customers are, at the right time and in the right way. Across all devices and channels while also delivering an integrated and unified brand experience. It is not a matter of placing yourself online but living in online mode.

Some companies, such as Starbucks, Disney, Ikea, and Nike, have already confronted this difficulty and achieved significant progress.

The Pros And Disadvantages Of Omnichannel

However, as our vice president stated, it is not a simple assignment. The obstacles are numerous, from increased logistical or technological complexity to delivering a consistent experience across the client journey. Not to mention the unavoidable personalization of the service or product. The difficulty of sustainability, or privacy and data protection issues, to name a few.


Although the omnichannel environment provides several benefits.It enables us to provide more exceptional customer service and, as a result. A more pleasant experience and better happiness, time savings, and enhanced simplicity of some projects favoring conversions, personalization, and loyalty, or understanding our customers’ patterns and habits.

In other words, omnichannel boost a brand’s competitiveness and effectiveness while also promoting its success and growth.

As a result, businesses must work and deploy resources from essential to complicated acts that steer your brand toward digitization.

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